Laning Guide


Farm first, kills second

Farming is not optional, you need souls to level up abilities as well as buy items. This isn't like other MOBAs where you just need to be near a creep to gain experience, you miss a last hit those souls are gone.

Farming tips

- Running out of ammo constantly?
1. Only hit troopers when their health bar turns a lighter shade
2. Buy items with clips size

- Low health while farming?
1. Farm from behind obstacles
2. Troopers hurt early, do not be closer to them than your friendly troopers

- Being denied constantly?
1. When you melee troopers you get full credit for the kill, no need to shoot the orb
2. Some heroes have slow bullet velocity (Grey Talon notably), this can be fixed by buying an item that gives bullet velocity
3. Do some aim training and get good

Deny souls

If you choose not to do deny souls you WILL lose lane. Each wave is about 300 souls and denial adds up quickly. Souls are a lot more than just a new item.

- Scenario: You last hit every trooper but get denied every soul orb

1 wave:

Your Stats:
Souls: 150
Abilities: 1
Ability points: 0
Items: 0

Your Opponents' Stats:
Souls: 450
Abilities: 2
Ability points: 1
Items: 0

3 waves:

Your Stats:
Souls: 450
Abilities: 2
Ability points: 1
Items: 0

Your Opponents' Stats:
Souls: 1350
Abilities: 3
Ability points: 2
Items: 2

5 waves:

Your Stats:
Souls: 750
Abilities: 2
Ability points: 1
Items: 1

Your Opponents' Stats:
Souls: 2250
Abilities: 3
Ability points: 3
Items: 4

As you can see the impact adds up quickly early on. Pair denying souls with farming boxes and jungle camps and you will find yourself with a massive soul lead over your opponents.

Farm the jungle

Jungle Camps

The first tier 1 camps spawn at 2 minutes, push your wave and farm them. Sitting pushed up in your lane opens you up to ganks, make use of your downtime. This is how you get a soul lead.

- Jungle Spawn Times
Tier 1: 2:00
Tier 2: 7:00
Tier 3: 7:00

Boxes and Statues
These spawn constantly around the map and in lane. They can be opened by shooting, melee, or even sliding into them.

Boxes drop 50-100 souls and scales later into the game.

Golden Statue Permanent Buffs:
- 1.5% Fire Rate
- 4% Ammo Capacity
- 0.75% Cooldown Reduction
- 3% Weapon Damage
- 15-20 Health
- 2-3 Spirit

Do not sleep on picking these up, especially the statues. Permanent buffs will help you scale faster than your opponent.

Check your minimap

You should be checking your minimap about every 10 seconds. If you are pushed up but only see 4 or 5 players on the map that's a good indicator that somebody is either jungling on their way to you or they are about to be right on top of you.

Stay tuned!
I'm working on a page with some handy resources including a 10 second looping tone.

Sustain in your lane

If you are constantly getting harassed out of lane, you have options.

Don't be afraid to pick up "Healing Rite" or similar items.

Healing Trooper
This trooper heals you every few seconds, prioritize being near them and focusing down their healing trooper.

Push your lane and take the zip line back
When you are low, pushing out the lane can help buy you time to go back to base to heal/purchase items. If you do this correctly you won't even miss out on souls. Overstaying in your lane will always ensure you miss out on souls.

Use your abilities

There is no mana, only cooldowns. There are quite a few low cooldown abilities in the game, and even then using bigger abilities to push opponents out of lane can be extremely tilting. Apply pressure whenever you can.


Coming soon

Transitioning to Mid-Game

Coming soon