
Hooks an enemy for a knockout combo


Vitality Stats

Max Health Health Regen Bullet Resist Spirit Resist Move Speed Sprint Speed Crouch Speed Stamina
650 3 10% 0% 6.55 3 4.75 3

Weapon Stats

DPS Bullet Damage Ammo Bullets per sec Reload Speed Velocity Falloff Range Light Melee Dmg Heavy Melee Dmg
66 5.3 66 12.50 2.35 508 22 ->51 63 116

"Humble Pie"

Humble Pie


Forged by the hands of a widowed junk yard attendant; Bebop was more than just some scrap golem laborer... he was the son she couldn't have. Together they would work in the iron yard during the day, and listen to jazz at night. It was a predictable, if not comforting routine. But now, Bebop's creator has fallen ill and while Miss Shelly wouldn't approve of the activities that Bebop does at night to pay for her medicine, what she doesn't know can't hurt her.